Pool and Home

Constant adult supervision is key to preventing water related injuries.

If a child is missing, look for them in the pool or spa first.

Have an at least four-foot fence around the pool with self-closing and self-latching gates.
Install alarms for doors and windows leading to water.
Learn CPR and basic life-saving skills.

Have rescue equipment on hand.

 Have a telephone and emergency action plan by the pool.

All adults and children should learn how to swim.

Empty all tubs, buckets, containers and wading pools after use. Store them upside down and out of  children's reach.

 Install and maintain drain covers that prevent entrapment and entanglement.



Drowning Prevention Coalition (DPC) Partners

Our partners include both public and private agencies in Miami-Dade county and across the nation.

All of our partners are committed to Water Safety.

Strategic Partners include: